Exposition du 6 au 21 décembre 2024 et reprise du 8 au 25 janvier 2025
Through his art, John Cuneo relentlessly analyzes what it means to be human, with gravitas and wit. He questions our relation to other people, to bodies, to sexuality, and makes the most insane things appear normal. This might ruffle some feathers, but others will consider it a work of genius. It is with great enthusiasm that the Gallery Manjari & Partners presents “Room for Improvement,” John Cuneo’s second exhibition in France.
There they are, always lurking somewhere on the paper: John Cuneo’s anthropomorphic animals, hairy and four-legged, slimy, with feathers or scales, his totem animals – vicious, but seldom venomous. And then there’s the women. Most of the time, they dominate, and they captivate, towering over the scene. As muses or dominatrices, with disconcerting nonchalance, they take up a prominent place in the artist’s work.
Uninhibited, quirky, cheeky sex scenes, sometimes highly erotic, relieve the pressure and their creator’s anxiety. Cuneo draws them with ease, as if they were banal, everyday moments. And yet, absolutely nothing is ever banal with him.
From portraits of the self-mutilating artist at his easel, to the absurd scenes that he has a knack for, Cuneo’s work is always elegant, subversive and smart.
In his sketchbooks, you will find no pencil marks – only permanent ink. He never erases anything, preferring to leave the traces of his abandoned sketches visible. He simply turns the page and starts the same drawing anew, until he is satisfied, or has exhausted his obsession.
It is a delicious book that should be put into everyone’s hands.
Catalogue « Room for improvement » – John Cuneo – 21 x 21 cm – couverture rigide – 120 pages – 560 gr – ISBN- 978-2-9584730-1-3 – 25€ – frais d’envoi selon le pays.
However, the catalog « Room for improvement« , limited edition of 200 copies, containing all 130 works exhibited is available for sale at a price of 25€.
Exposition du 14 septembre au 15 octobre 2022 et reprise du 7 juin au 1er juillet 2023
Le catalogue « Paperwork », tirage limité à 400 exemplaires, reprenant la totalité des 85 œuvres exposées en septembre 2022 est toujours disponible à la vente au prix de 20€.
Catalogue Paperwork – John Cuneo 21 x 21 cm – 88 pages – 365 gr – ISBN- 978-2-9584730-0-6 – 20€ – frais d’envoi selon le pays.
However, the catalog « Paperwork », limited edition of 400 copies, containing all 85 works exhibited is available for sale at a price of 20€.
Dark thoughts, lightly rendered
Exposition du 14 septembre au 15 octobre 2022
Si de notre côté de l’Atlantique, nous connaissons le travail de John Cuneo à travers ses unes du New Yorker, aux États-Unis, il est considéré par ses pairs comme l’un des meilleurs dessinateurs satiriques de son pays. Dûment récompensé par une dizaine de médailles d’or et d’argent par la prestigieuse Société des Illustrateurs tout au long de sa carrière, ainsi que le prix Hamilton King en 2012, John Cuneo explore avec humour tous les aspects des relations humaines. Sexuelles, familiales, amicales, professionnelles, tout à la fois parfois. L’artiste avoue ne pas être des plus à l’aise en société, il est pourtant doté d’une compréhension et d’une psychologie de l’humain à vous faire rougir. John Cuneo observe les faiblesses et les égos, les fêlures et les échecs de notre société, qu’il dévoile à l’encre et aquarelle sur des feuilles volantes et centaines de carnets de croquis. Toujours avec humour, une certaine délicatesse et un bon kilo de sarcasme. Animaux anthropomorphiques, scènes loufoques sans queue, ni tête viennent ponctuer son œuvre pour un instant de respiration. L’artiste vous livre ici toute l’étendue de son talent : acerbe, complexe, entier.
Pour John Cuneo, le dessin est compulsif. Il est même bien plus que ça. L’artiste noircit ses carnets dont il aime l’intimité. Un cocon rassurant dans lequel il se réfugie avec délectation et frustration, souvent. Le carnet est pour lui tout autant une discipline, qu’une méditation.
Un trait tremblant délibéré, expressions faciales inhabituelles, proportions malmenées, le dessin de Cuneo interroge et bouleverse les codes classiques. Il chahute un moment, avant d’atteindre au regard du public fasciné et médusé, une sophistication déroutante.
« Paperwork » est né de volontés passionnées. Celle de Jean-Marie Vives, grand admirateur depuis presque 40 ans. Celle de John Cuneo, s’assurant un challenge à la hauteur : exposer son œuvre pour la première fois en Europe.
Si l’on osait, une première mondiale puisque jamais une exposition dédiée aux œuvres de l’artiste, n’a été réalisée. Une performance avant même l’heure du vernissage, puisque c’est par pas moins de 170 échanges d’emails que cette exposition a vu le jour.
“While on our side of the Atlantic we might recognize John Cuneo’s work from his New Yorker illustrations, in the United States he is considered by his peers as one of his country’s finest satirical cartoonists.” A recipient of a dozen gold and silver awards from the prestigious Society of Illustrators, as well as of the Hamilton King Award in 2012, Cuneo explores every aspect of human relationships through his cartoons – sexual, family, friendly, professional, sometimes all of them at the same time. He admits that he does not feel very comfortable in society; yet he is endowed with an unparalleled understanding of the human psyche. John Cuneo is a keen observer of people’s weaknesses and egos, of society’s cracks and failures. He sketches them in ink and watercolor, on loose pages or in hundreds of sketchbooks, always with cutting humor, a certain amount of sensitivity and a good deal of sarcasm. Anthropomorphic animals and madcap scenes punctuate these pages, where the artist reveals the full extent of his talent. With a deliberately shaky line, unusual face expressions and mishandled proportions, Cuneo’s drawings question and disrupt classical codes.
For Cuneo, drawing is “a compulsion for sure, a calling perhaps (…) it’s a solitary act, and for people with underdeveloped social skills it can serve as a kind of refuge, a place to hide in the open. I am grateful for that. »
The artist fills entire notebooks and revels in their intimacy. They are a reassuring cocoon where he likes to seek refuge, but sometimes also encounters frustration. He sees them both as a form of self-discipline and meditation.
“PAPERWORK” was born out of passion and willpower –
For Jean-Marie Vives, who has been a great admirer of the cartoonist’s for almost forty years, and for Cuneo, who set himself the challenge of showing his work for the first time in Europe. We might even call it a world premiere since this happens to be Cuneo’s first solo exhibition to date.
From Paris to Woodstock, our quasi-epistolary relationship begun on Instagram, and was later followed by over one hundred and seventy emails. No spoken words were ever exchanged. Quite an unusual way to bring this beautiful exhibition to life…
Anne-Erell Le Bronnec